The madman is almost ready
Day after day Donald Trump was being instigated to embrace Fascism. An army of Antifas, pseudo-antifascists, meticulously prepared by the neoliberals, was opposed to the President, who was accused of being a fascist, so that he was induced to assume a really fascist stance. It is a very perverse trick by the neoliberals, who created an anti-fascist threat to attack the President, forcing him to choose a side of the divided society that would support him in the permanence of power in order to embrace Fascism to oppose the army of Antifas that threatened him daily.
Chaos was already been implanted and was advancing. The threat of civil war was taking shape and this is what most contributed to the rise of the fascist authoritarianism. Looters were called upon to invade the streets, bringing terror and insecurity to the majority of the population when Trump was President. It was in this context of social breakdown, economic degradation and social and political chaos that Nazism took power in Germany. Shortly afterwards, most of the German population already thought it was normal to have a political police like the SS, which eliminated anyone who opposed the new government regime.
The 9/11 hoax was a Pearl Harbor manufactured by the neoliberals so that the empire could impose its “war on terror” doctrine on the world, which is nothing more than giving the empire the right not to follow international laws, the right to accuse, judge and condemn any person that suits it when that person does not submit to its purposes. The great journalist Julian Assange, who showed the world the criminal atrocities of the empire’s wars, is now in prison and in danger of being extradited to an US prison. Imperialists today violate the privacy of all their citizens with an intensity of invasion and espionage never imagined by the dictators of the old Soviet Union.
The process of transforming society to engage in conflict is accelerating. Neoliberals are in a hurry, they want to contain Russia and China, which together are completely changing the configuration of the planet’s geopolitics, while the decline of western countries remains firm, strong and inexorable.
The history of the 20s and 30s of the 20th century allows us to see what happens today in the USA and in the world. The neoliberal bubble, which burst in 1929, while it was being inflated, helped Germany to recover its industrial park and to arm itself to wage war against the communists, as the liberal neoliberals had planned. After the bubble burst, the empire confiscated the gold of its people in 1933, the same year that Hitler assumed absolute power in Germany. The depression that is ahead in the western world is comparable to the depression of the 1930s, which were the preparatory years for war. The people of the empire, in addition to losing their jobs, are drowning in debt.
The elections were used as a factor of social destabilization. The President and the other democratically elected representatives should not be accepted by the defeated. Each political party now treats the other as a criminal gang. This is part of the criminalization of politics to make society discredit Democracy and embrace Fascism. This was done in Brazil, where the politics was criminalized in such a way that it allowed the fraudulent election of a fascist President. Today, politics in Brazil, infested with criminals, looks more like a war of criminal gangs. The criminalization of politics to carry out a neoliberal coup was done in Brazil and other countries.
Authoritarianism is growing in the world today for two reasons, the first because the neoliberal empire attacks all democracies in the world to install an authoritarian puppet leader who support their great war against their two great Eurasian enemies, Russia and China. The second reason is an obvious consequence of the first, due to the fact that several governments, even democratically elected, are forced to strengthen themselves in power to avoid the infiltrations and colorful revolutions spread by the neoliberal empire in order to install an authoritarian vassal that supports the rogue empire in its Great War. Brazil has not hardened to defend itself against this neoliberal attack on its Democracy, and today it has a fascist president named Bolsonaro completely vassal to the empire. Venezuela resisted and defended itself brilliantly against the attacks on its Democracy and for that reason it still preserves its sovereignty and its interests with dignity.
The President Trump who occupied the White House in recent years arrived there with the promise that he would not continue with the endless wars of the imperialist pigs. He did not end with wars in progress, but neither had he started new wars. He promised to fight corruption, but he did not keep his promise, corruption remains one of the great pillars of the empire. He promised that his opponent Hilary Clinton would be arrested for the corruption crimes she had committed, but he forgave her.
This President who came from outside political circles has always been considered a threat to the neoliberals who control the empire. The President’s stance against permanent wars made uneasy the horde of neoliberals who control corporations and the war apparatus. As soon as the President was elected, the Deep State was immediately mobilized, as the parallel criminal state that controls the puppets of the pseudo state that pretends to rule, but only obeys its neoliberal lords of the so-called Deep State. The most Nazi and unscrupulous members of the Deep State immediately surrounded the President so that he did not stop the wars that were going on, and also, to encourage him, if possible, to engage in other wars of interest to this neoliberal horde.
In order to make Trump act according to the neoliberal geopolitics game, tactics of continuous pressure were used. The tactics were many, some quite persistent, like threats of impeachment and intense harassment from the corrupt and prostituted press of the neoliberal horde. But the most radical tactic was the use of a mass of mercenary pseudo antifascist demonstrators who infested the streets of the country’s cities with provocations, looting, fires, and mainly, provoking the reaction of the social strata that supported the President, creating a climate for the beginning of a civil war or for the President’s reaction to be the reaction of the Madman that neoliberals badly need to carry out yet another Great World War. These demonstrations took place in the midst of a secular pandemic that kills thousands of people and in the middle of the electoral period. A perfect context for the President to lose control and assume the role of the Madman that the imperialist neoliberals of the Deep State so crave.
The neoliberals imagined that by practicing these impelling tactics, their Madman would be ready to lead the empire and its allies to the great war they so longed for. But the historical possibilities are all open, not everything that neoliberals plan always happens exactly as they planned. There are so many strategic failures made by neoliberals that they even deserve a separate analysis that I intend to do in the future.
The imperialist criminals of the Deep State continue to prepare the empire for the Great War, they provoke China in the South China Sea, they provoke Russia in Eastern Europe and Black Sea, and they are closing in on their two great Eurasian geopolitical enemies. In these tragic times of pandemic and economic depression, a similar historical context that the neoliberals created their Madman Nazi in Germany to try to defeat the Russian communists.
The same roadmap for implementing Nazi-fascism used in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s is now being used. The enemies are the same and some more, the Russians, ex-communists, together with communist China that practices virtuous Capitalism, which for neoliberals is a crime, because neoliberal Capitalism cannot have virtues, for neoliberals the Capitalism is just a system of exploitation, domination and spread of misery. To the list of enemies is added Venezuela and Iran that do not accept to surrender their wealth to the imperialist plunderers.
Calling the American Democratic Party a left-wing party is one of the greatest hoaxes in human history, but that is the pathetic hoax that the neoliberal media spits out daily on the American people so that these people contaminated by hatred engage in the polarization conflict whose objective is to install Fascism in the country to rule out any possibility of the rise of a socialist government of an economic, pacifist and anti-neoliberal nature.
The American Democratic Party is controlled by corrupt neoliberals, globalist slavery lords, immoral warmakers, which the corrupt neoliberal media insists on calling the “left party”. This nefarious Party, which only contributes to the deterioration of American society and much of the world, acts as an advocate for pseudo-progressive agendas. They declare themselves anti-fascists, but they feed Fascism 24 hours a day, increasing intolerance, polarity and chaos. They follow to the letter the script of the neoliberal plan to start the World War III.