The Planetary Analyst

A comprehensive analysis of our times.

Oops! They Did It Again (Part_I)

The madman is almost ready


The same neoliberal imperialists who financed and caused all the great wars of the 20th century are already preparing for the next Great War. They are repeating step by step all the actions they have taken to foment and propel the world towards global war exactly as they did previously. Preparing for a conflict of global proportions is neither simple nor quick. It requires a rearrangement of the economy and society such that it creates psychological, social, political and economic conditions for global conflict. This was done in the First and Second World War.

Every global conflict that the lords of power in the western world undertake has a purpose that serves the interests of this small elite that has always aimed at the total control of mankind. Fundamentally, the causes of the First World War were many, as nationalism, disputes over colonies, disputes over hegemony and others. But whoever instigated and financed the war enterprise had clear objectives that aimed to change the geopolitics of Europe and then to change the geopolitics of the world. And for the conflict to reach the dimension it reached, it was necessary to involve financial institutions and a preparation “beyond the ocean” so that the lords of power could achieve their goals. I say “beyond the ocean” because the British empire already planned to grant imperial power to the American empire because, according to the neoliberal elite, it would have more economic and military resources to impose on the entire world the military power that would ensure control of the financial system in the hands of this small corrupt banking elite of medieval, colonialist and enslaving principles.

But the United States of America needed to be prepared to become this great neoliberal empire, and it was done. They carried out the great war they had planned. At the end of World War I, the Russian, Ottoman and Prussian empires began to fall apart, the neoliberal elite already had its new instrument of global domination – the American empire, which was already emerging as the new dominant empire in the West, and which would be fully endowed military and financial power to fulfill the mission established by this small elite.

The plan was followed to the letter. Since the American civil war, the American economy has been regularly hit by a financial panic with an inevitable rush to the banks. The American economy had its financial sector composed not only by the big banks, but by an enormous number of small banks and trust houses spread across the country, that competed directly with the big banks, conquering a good slice of the financial market.

The neoliberal lords managed to make a big financial panic in 1907 in such a way that most of the trust houses and small banks did not survive, a small group of big banks took control of the financial market. But it was necessary to have complete control of the economy, the state and the military apparatus that would serve the empire, so this small group of big banks did something unimaginable. In 1913 the Federal Reserve (FED) was created, a private Central Bank that would control the issuance of money that would not only be used as the national currency of the USA, but would also be imposed on the world that this money was used as a global currency in international transactions. From then on, neoliberals came to have full power over the economy, the state and the American military complex. It is clear that this power would extend to all sectors of society, to the political system, to the press, to the artistic, scientific and cultural productions, after all the imperialist tentacles of Neoliberalism should be omnipresent, control should be total.

The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was the password and the kick-off for the preparation of the great conflict in Europe, as it allowed the neoliberals, the new warlords, to put into practice on the following year the war that would change the geopolitical map of Europe four years later. Europe helped the US to finance the civil war and the Spanish-American war. This was reversed in the First World War, when it was the USA that helped Europe to finance the war. Following the script of the neoliberal planning, in 1916 the neoliberal imperialists inaugurated the new war propaganda machine so that the United States entered the war the following year. And since then the war propaganda machine that keeps the country in a permanent state of war until today. To find out more about how this war propaganda machine was built, I recommend reading Noam Chomsky – Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda.

The plan seemed to have worked. Neoliberals already had the FED, their money factory capable of financing any war, they already had a war propaganda machine, they won the war and rearranged Europe’s geopolitics. The small neoliberal elite of the western world could apparently move forward with its project of dominating the mankind, after all it had already achieved its first objectives and already had its great American empire. But then something happened that the neoliberals did not imagine could happen, something that would completely change the course of human history since then, the Russian Revolution.

The Russian army wiped out in the First World War, the country ruled by a medieval monarchy, the peasant and working classes exploited to the limit of human resistance, in this scenario of political, economic and social upheaval, the Revolution takes place that would change the world forever. The Czar and his family were murdered, the bourgeoisie of the White Army was defeated by the workers and peasants of the Red Army. The new Leader of Russia, the socialist Lenin creates the Communist Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

A new regime of government, of popular basis, of a strong state, of sovereign state policy, in one of the most important countries in Europe, this was a huge threat to the plans of domination that the neoliberals had prepared for all humanity. The neoliberal elite came to have nightmares about the possibility of a popular government together with workers’ committees to control a country’s means of production and its economy. The possibility that this kind of regime could spread throughout Europe and other parts of the world caused terror in this elite, after all this small elite planned to completely dominate Europe and the rest of the world.

It was then that the neoliberals, terrified of the communist advance, began to spread across Europe a regime of government that they imagined could be a counterpoint to constraint the advance of socialist ideals that were already beginning to spread across the continent and other parts of the world, this government regime is Fascism.

Fascism was a very useful and effective neoliberal invention to act as an antidote for the advancement of socialist ideas and socialist govern regimes. While Fascism guarantees the privileges and income of the ruling classes, it engages a good part of the working class and the bourgeoisie by implanting fear and hatred in these segments of the population. A great enemy has to be presented as a great threat to society, as the great evil to be fought, because, by fighting this great enemy, everyone will be saved. In this way, Fascism would become the great instrument that the neoliberal elite would use to combat Communism.

Fascism in Germany matured more slowly than in Italy, but it grew very strong and with doctrines of racial supremacism that added to fascist ideals. German fascists claimed to be socialist nationalists and therefore called themselves Nazis. During the Weimar Republic, neoliberals invested heavily in Germany’s industrial recovery and in the spread of hatred for communists. Hitler was the man chosen by the neoliberals to face the communists. It would be up to the “Madman” and crazy Fuhrer to set up and lead Germany into a war against the Communists.

Neoliberals knew perfectly well that the Fascist Germany, with the dominated, indoctrinated and enraged masses, would be the ideal country to wage a war against Russia, completely destroy Communism and stave off the risk of Communism spreading to other countries in Europe and other parts of the world.

It was a miscalculation of the neoliberals, after all Hitler was mad, but he was not naive, he knew that after a war with Russia, Germany, even victorious, would be weakened and easily subdued by the powers of Europe that would reap the spoils of war. So, before attacking Russia, Hitler attacked the powers of Europe to accumulate resources and to eliminate the risk of being easily overpowered by these powers after the conflict with Russia. Only the UK managed to defend itself and not be dominated by the Germans. The Germans also made a strategic alliance with Japan, which aimed at controlling the Pacific, while Germany would control the Atlantic.

This historical fact can be compared to the fictional story of Game of Thrones, when the Children of the Forest created the Night King and the White Walkers to fight the first men of Westeros, but the White Walkers got out of hand and became a threat to everyone who inhabited Westeros. The Nazis were the White Walkers of the neoliberals, who, likewise, preferred to undertake their own power project and turned against their own creators. Just as the children of the forest had to turn to the descendants of the new men to fight the White Walkers, the neoliberals had to turn to the descendants of the Russian revolutionaries to fight the Nazis.

Night King (Game of Thrones) - The madman of the fiction.
Hitler (Time Magazine - Man of the Year 1938) - The madman celebrated by the neoliberal media.

Step by step, neoliberals are repeating everything they did in Europe when they installed the Nazism and Fascism. This time the enemy is much bigger and much more capable. Weapons are of much greater destructive power, but day after day the neoliberals of the decadent western world are spreading Fascism throughout the west, implanting the hatred and prejudice that poison the spirit and leave it thirsty for war. The enemy, the same as always, Russia, and this time added to its strategic partner, China. The picture is of a war in which there are no winners, in which destruction is overwhelming. But Neoliberalism is thus completely self-destructive, and the process of self-destruction has already begun, anti-economics, anti-democracy and anti-civilization are destroying societies in the Western world and leaving their populations prepared to accept that war is inevitable. The citizens of the western world are being daily stupefied, dulled, and exhausted of any hope in society and civilization.

All the elements of social disintegration used in Germany in its nazification process are being used in the western world, the construction of the enemy in the collective unconscious and the polarization of society for the installation of chaos so that fascist authoritarianism arises as a guarantor of the apparent social order. The same recipe is being applied, evangelicals and the anti-communist petty bourgeoisie are being used as social disaggregators and promoters of the authoritarianism, exactly as it happened in Germany. The unique thought is being applied by opinion makers, the divergence of ideas is being totally eliminated, after all it is essential for the destruction of democracy. The economy is geared only to investments in the war apparatus and to maximize the financial assets of neoliberals as much as possible, the rest of the economy activities must be emptied so that the unemployment generated guarantees the White Walkers army that will be launched blindly in the next Great War.

Neoliberals already know where their next Hitler will come from, the new Night King that will destroy the democratic world so that finally the small medieval elite has the longed-for control over humanity. The Night King will come from the White House, there must be the Madman who will take the empire to dominate the world. They tried during the four years of the Trump administration to make him go mad to play the role of Night King. But Trump was not crazy enough.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected, neoliberal influencers have surrounded him, the war-hungry pack of Deep State has instigated him day by day, incessantly, instilling in his mind all the madness necessary for him to become the new Fuhrer, the new Lord of the Apocalypse. Trump gave some signs that he assimilated part of the madness that was planted in him. He ordered the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the great Iranian leader who fought with intelligence and wisdom the advancement of ISIS in the Middle East, Trump did not even know who Soleimani was; but the Deep State scoundrels that surrounded him made him believe that the great general Soleimani was an ISIS terrorist. He said that the real President of Venezuela is an idiot named Juan Guaido who represents nothing to the Venezuelan people. At the instigation of neoliberals, he said that China is the great enemy of the free world. However, Donald Trump resisted and did not become the Madman who was going to start the Third World War.


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