The Planetary Analyst

A comprehensive analysis of our times.

Welcome to the Hipernazism of the 21th Century

Nazism is brewing again in the western world


It would be pretty obvious if the same neoliberal mafia that created Nazism to try to wipe communists off the face of the Earth in the 1920s and 1930s had now, in the 21st century, used the same doctrine of racial supremacy to stimulate and incite its Nazi army. This time the neoliberal mafia excelled in creativity. They invented the doctrine of multiracial LGBT inclusivism. It is with this pseudo-humanitarian doctrine and the slogan “Black Lives Matter” that 21st century Hypernazis will deploy their hyper-pseudo-democratic dictatorship to assemble their great army of White Walkers to fight their enemies from the axis of evil.

The neoliberal mafia has already staged the two acts necessary to disregard international and national laws. The enactment of 9/11 was used for the neoliberal mafia to claim for the empire the right not to respect any international law, as it would wage the “War on Terror”. The invasion of the Capitol by Donald Trump’s supporters was the “Reichstag Fire” the mob needed to declare the “War on Domestic Terror” and create its Schutzstaffel, the Nazi SS with a license to kill and act above any law. Here, “Domestic Terrorism” is any disagreement that a legalistic and civilized citizen might have in relation to the imperialist-dictatorial thinking and agenda of the neoliberal mafia. German Nazis called themselves National Socialists, 21st century Hypernazis called themselves “liberal-progressive-left-woke-etc.”.

The pro-diversity doctrine of moral superiority, with its pseudo-humanitarian values, in defense of the environment and human diversity, promises to solve all the problems in the world that the neoliberals themselves created. However, since everything they do is the exact opposite of what they say they do, we already know that disaster is inevitable. After a police officer killed the African American George Floyd, they created the “Defund the Police” movement to reduce police actions in society. The result is a significant increase in crime and murder in Black and Latino communities. Black lives do not matter to neoliberals.

Neoliberals already keep total control over the press and digital media. They build the false narrative in the way that suits them to manipulate society according to their interests. To advance Hypernazism, they created the doctrine of one-way thinking. If anyone thinks different, then must be cancelled. There is no more political debate. If you do not think like them, then you are deplorable. We already know that canceling the debate of ideas necessarily leads to the criminalization of politics. Without the possibility of seeking political consensus, the social fabric is falling apart. This increases social chaos and allows fascist authoritarianism to advance over the control of society.

Systematically Hypernazism is being consolidated. In the same way that the communists were declared enemies of the German people by the Nazis, the enemies of the American people are being built by the Hypernazis. Biden says Putin is a murderer; the media says the Chinese created Covid-19 in the lab and leaked it. The Hypernazi neoliberals have already elected their enemies. The two most sovereign and influential nations of the 21st century, which are not neoliberal and anti-economic: Russia and China, which today embrace solid economic principles, hold Gold reserves, and are already offering the world an alternative to the use of the US dollar for business transactions.

Hatred of the Chinese is so widespread in the media that Chinese and Asians are already often violently attacked on the streets of the US. These attacks some times are made by black citizens. The campaign to criminalize China for the emergence of Covid-19 has already had overwhelming repercussions; it seems that disadvantaged citizens believe that all the misfortunes in their lives are due to the Chinese.

For the realization of the Great War, in addition to the building of the enemy, it is necessary to produce economic depression and the establishment of authoritarianism. Of course, due to the size of the financial bubble that they are inflating, the depression will be deep after the burst of the bubble they started to create since 2008. Authoritarianism is being established with the fight against “domestic terror” and in the manipulation of the electoral process.

Just as in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, corporations were forced to join Nazi fascism, American corporations are being forced to join the “woke” of the Hypernazis, so they guarantee the continuous supply of fiat money and no longer need worrying about efficiency and results as every capitalist corporation does. Moreover, they avoid to be canceled by the press and the neoliberal digital media.


It is necessary to wake the woke up

Without the awareness that society is being divided, manipulated and continually pushed towards social chaos, towards the loss of democratic principles, towards the consolidation of the Hypernazi State, tragedy will be inevitable. It is necessary to raise awareness in the divided society, it is necessary to make society understand that its problems and challenges will be solved in the face of the social pact that allows the joint search for solutions to the problems caused by neoliberals.

The enemy is not the one who maintains efficient and honest economic principles; the enemy is not the one who bases his economy on productive work and on the exercise of his sovereignty, as countries that do not accept the anti-economy of the neoliberals do. The enemy is whoever misgoverns his country, whoever eliminates the value of labor, whoever eliminates the value of money by printing trillions of USD every year. The enemy is the one who depletes the country’s productive structures and drives that country into countless eternal wars. The enemy is the one who is always looking for enemies so that the people do not realize that they are the real enemies.

The enemy is not the white citizen who is in the interior of the country producing the food that feeds his people; the enemy is not the hardworking family man who realizes that the cost of living increases daily while employment opportunities decrease and therefore prefers to elect a candidate who promises more jobs and better living conditions.


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