The Planetary Analyst

A comprehensive analysis of our times.

The Inversion – The Bad Ones Are Now the Good Ones

The way they make the gangsters become the good guys


Total inversion, yes! Because without the maximum inversion, the neoliberal imperialists cannot extend the survival of their system of domination, and cannot install the Fascism that allows them to sustain power. The inversion is the last and desperate attempt to keep the empire up. However, I do not think that is possible, the inversion is not sustainable; it is destructive and will only accelerate the destruction of the empire.

While in Asia the new economic powers of the world are being built, the old neoliberal powers of the West are destroying themselves with the anti-economy. It is as if these neoliberal countries are trying to produce anti-matter to nullify the matter that is being formed in Asia. The anti-economy produced by neoliberals has never been seen in the history of mankind. Money is no longer valuable, so interest rate is negative. If money is no longer valuable, then capital no longer needs to make a profit, because profit is no longer valuable. If money, which has always been the fruit of work and has always been a reference for the value of that work, loses its value, then work is no longer valuable in this anti-economy.

Anti-capitalism is a natural consequence of the inversion adopted by the decadent and desperate imperialist neoliberals. The traditional principles of Capitalism, which were once praised by its defenders, no longer apply to the anti-capitalism installed by neoliberals. What used to be investment is now appropriation, plunder, theft. The holders of what was previously called Capital, now only print the huge sum of counterfeit money that they use to increase the appropriation of everything they manage to buy with that fake money, or anti-money as it can be better defined.

In the anti-economy implemented by the neoliberals during their last attempt at survival, the worthless capital is nullified by the gigantic indebtedness of the neoliberal capitalists. After the collapse of Western capitalism in 2008, the only objective of capital is to keep liquid assets high so that neoliberal banks do not prove to be insolvent, as this would be the immediate death of Neoliberalism. As neoliberal banks control the issuance of money, they keep printing money to increase the value of their guarantees (collaterals) by artificially raising the stock values in their portfolios.

Another consequence of the inversion is the transformation of the small investor into a victim of the frauds of the corrupt neoliberal system that steals the savings of this innocent investor through fraudulent schemes fully authorized by the authorities that should prohibit this kind of crime, but the fact is that these authorities are already completely controlled by neoliberals.

The self-destructive inversion promoted by neoliberal imperialists does not occur only in the economic values of western societies. The inversion occurs in all values, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and intellectual. Without this total inversion, neoliberals are unable to install the Fascism they need to contain the inevitable rise of Democratic Socialism that makes societies fairer, more civilized and freer from the domination of a small corrupt and immoral elite.

The neoliberals made this inversion of values in Europe in the twenties and thirties to spread Fascism as a counterpoint to the Communism that had arisen in Russia and was beginning to conquer much of Europe. History repeats itself, but this time it is not  the Russian Communism that is the greatest threat. The great threat is the constructivism of economic development policies of the Chinese communist party that adopted the Capitalism that is making China the most rich and powerful country in the world and are not subject to the dominance and subservience of western Neoliberalism.

The effort of the three great pillars of support of the empire to prevent its collapse causes the farce, corruption and oppression to be elevated to the highest degree, in the desperate attempt to keep the empire sustained. The farce is amplified at the highest levels, the press becomes a factory of lies, the untruths and false narratives presented by the imperialists must be ceaselessly presented as the purest truth. Corruption becomes the overriding law, all powers must be given to the corrupt because they are the true representatives of the imperialists, and so the laws made by them must protect them from any threat and must condemn only those who are a threat to the corrupt imperialists. Oppression expands at all levels, at the economic, social, political, police, military, cultural, media, religious level, and without the slightest relief. Anyone who tries to oppose or break free from oppression is canceled and repressed.

What we are currently seeing in the west is the phenomenal increase in farce, corruption and oppression, these three great pillars of the empire, and this can be seen as an example of the denial of the three highest values of society, truth, virtue and freedom, clearly one of the most important aspects of the decay in the western world.

Denial of truth is an absolute norm in the Western world. In the USA, in Europe, in Brazil, the press no longer tells the truth. Media companies have become fake news factories for the sole purpose of building the false narratives that interest imperialist neoliberals. The European media builds grotesque journalistic farces about the economy, about politics, about the conflicts in Syria and the Middle East, all to impose the shady interests of the dominant elite.

Conflict and social division are implemented to deny and reverse the results of civilizing conquests. Society has to deny itself so that the small part of one percent can divide and dominate the remaining ninety-nine percent, who while attacking each other, do not see the real enemy that destroys their lives.

Brazil today is a tragic example of the inversion that was disseminated in all sectors of society. Fascism advances, irrationality has practically become a norm, the majority of the population has been suppressed from its logical sense. Science and education, like all other strategic state sectors, are being dismantled. Indifference and hypocrisy have become norms, the corrupt are now “good citizens”. The self-proclaimed Christians follow the devil’s precepts. The moral and spiritual decay that plagues the country is a consequence of the total inversion of Christian values.

Recently a ten-year-old child abused by his pedophile uncle since she was six, became pregnant. A group of Bolsonarian fascists organized a demonstration at the hospital where the child was, as they wanted to ban the abortion. None of the fascists who claim to be Christians demonstrated for the arrest of the pedophile uncle. This terrifying fact shows how the fascists invert the meaning of the facts and transform, with immense normality, the innocent victim into a criminal person.

Without the inversion, corrupt politicians who were being threatened by the judicial-mediatic terror of the Lava Jato operation would not have been able to free themselves from the clutches of justice. The inversion made it possible to transform all the corrupt, tax evaders, traffickers, thieves, rapists into “good citizens” defenders of morals and society so that they could remove the Worker’s Party from power and get rid of the judicial threats that was hanging over their heads.

Denial is another aspect of inversion. The fascist can only be fascist if he constantly practices negation, the fascist person denies that he is self-destructive, denies that he promotes the destruction of civilization and society, denies the value of life to remain in power through the threat of death, and denies his own governmental obligations to exercise the misgovernment that brings chaos. This explains why in Brazil those who should maintain justice deny the laws and the constitution, contributing to destroy the democracy, while the military deny the defense of national interests and associate with the fascist president to defend the interests of the empire by killing the nation and delivering the carrion for international vultures. Brazilian Fascism is a Fascism of a country dominated and colonized like Vichy France during the Nazi occupation.

Denial and inversion are now so present in the life of the Brazilian citizens that they already find normal all sorts of nonsense. A large part of the population was no longer used to the more than 1,000 daily deaths caused by Covid-19. In the same way that many deny that we are in a pandemic, many Brazilians already deny that the Earth is round, and is flat instead. Many are already used to denying and reversing the values of justice, and many no longer realize that the country is being destroyed and that this will only make their living conditions worse and worse.

To reverse all the humanity’s virtuous and civilized values, neoliberals and fascists will spare no effort to deny and reverse history. Many fascists in Brazil already say that Africans were not captured and trafficked to be slaves in Brazil, they say that they came to work in Brazil of their own free will.

The Brazilian corporate press has already assumed its fascist character, even though it knows about the crimes of corruption and theft of public money that the Bolsonaro family committed, it prefers to deny the facts with the evident evidence. When that same press persecutes the Workers’ Party, even without evidence, they say that the Workers’ Party – PT, President Lula and other PT politicians committed crimes. The values of the Brazilian press are already completely inverted.

The trend is that the inversion will increase more and more throughout the western world, because the objective of the neoliberals is to make the majority of the countries under their influence oppose to the Euro-Asian bloc whose formation is being consolidated by the strategic partnership China-Russia. Without the inversion, the decadent neoliberal imperialists in the west will not be able to carry on the new Cold War against this new emerging geopolitical bloc that operates their economies within virtuously economic principles, and free of being subject to the domination of the corrupt and unscrupulous financiers of the west.

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