The Planetary Analyst

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The US Invasion of Afghanistan Was a Huge Success!

They achieved all goals and the results were much better than expected.


It was not a war to free the Afghan people from a tyrannical government and establish democracy. It was not a war to free women from Islamic patriarchal oppression. It was not a war to fight terrorism.

All the real goals of the imperialist adventure in Afghanistan have been achieved. The lords of the real State that governs the empire distributed more than two trillion dollars to their partners in the military industrial complex and their supporters. There were 20 years of abundance, with billions of dollars spent annually to enrich the Deep State and its friends. Undoubtedly a huge success. They did not expect that they would spend so much time stealing the public money to enrich themselves at the cost of the impoverishment of those who work to survive and to support their families.

The farce, oppression and corruption that are the pillars of the empire were transported to every corner of Afghanistan. Only a person who believes in Santa Claus would believe that the goals of this imperial war project were to bring Democracy and the liberation of women to that country located at a strategic point in global geopolitics. Only a very naive person would believe that Afghanistan would become a Western-like pseudo-democracy with women wearing miniskirts and criminalizing patriarchy in the best Woke style.

The construction of Woke Hypernazism is somewhat compromised by the revelation that the liberation of Afghan women was just a false pretext for the neoliberal mafia to achieve its goal of getting richer. The moral superiority of diversity and liberalism of the new Hypernazism ethic is shaken, what conscious people already knew is confirmed, that is, black lives and women’s lives do not matter. False pretexts are what they have always used and will continue to use for their eternal wars, even more so after this fabulous success in Afghanistan. The corrupt and prostituted Western media will continue to support the empire’s criminals.

Faced with the disastrous withdrawal of the US and its allies from NATO, in the best Vietnam-Saigon style, history has registered the pathetic expression of surprise and astonishment of the Western media, which pretends not to know that the results achieved by the empire in Afghanistan were a farce from beginning to the end. It is clear that this hypocritical and imperialist media has always known that none of the goals declared by the invaders were being achieved during these 20 years of occupation.

Western media always knew this was a great farce, but they did not reveal it publicly because this media is part of the great farce of the empire. A media that does not get tired of producing daily all the “fake news” that build the farcical narrative that serves the imperialist interests of the Deep State. This same media turns a blind eye to the imprisonment and torture of the journalist Julian Assange because he showed to the world the war atrocities of the empire.

Are they embarrassed by the new Vietnam-style fiasco? – Of course not. Imperialists feel no shame. They are criminals, psychopaths who are actually proud of having a sick and evil character. They are like Mike Pompeo, who brag about cheating, stealing and lying. They did not feel ashamed in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, and it is not this great financial success, that was the invasion of Afghanistan, that will make these scoundrel people feel a little ashamed.

The inept puppet that Deep State has placed in the White House has no responsibility for what happens in Afghanistan. Who governs is the Deep State, the banking mafia with corporatists and militarists; these are responsible for the government actions and crimes. The puppet congress is not, and has never been, an impediment to the Deep State war projects.

The empire now has other plans to continue spending the fiat money on useless wars that only make the rich richer while the people get poorer. They leave the chaotic Afghanistan and now they will bring chaos to other parts of the world. They want to oppress China and Russia. They do not accept the political and economic success of the Eurasian project, which is advancing by gaining partnerships all over the world. The war now has to be against whoever takes global leadership, and China and Russia do it masterfully. The Belt and Road Initiative is in full throttle.

The question remains for the future of Afghanistan and that strategic region for the great powers. Will the Taliban manage to rule? Will they be able to unite their country? Will they be able to keep their country free of terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al Qaeda? Is the Taliban just another US-funded terrorist organization as Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov says, and that it will manage the American project in Afghanistan?

Russia and China are already in the area. They are having constant conversations with Taliban diplomats. How that comes! Does a terrorist organization have diplomats? That is the question. This organization, classified as a terrorist by the UN, has taken control of a country government. They gained power in their country because they did not surrender to the invaders who were there. They were not a terrorist organization. They were a liberation army. That is why today they talk to the Russians and the Chinese.

Russia has a sizable population of Muslims in Chechnya, just as China has millions of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. The fear of both the Russian government and the Chinese government is that Islamic terrorists posing as refugees from Afghanistan will enter their countries.

Peaceful Central Asia is an opportunity for everyone in the region, as Central Asia is China’s bridge to Iran and the Middle East. If the Taliban take the historic opportunity at hand, it can bring peace and progress to their country. Besides, it seems that the Taliban of today is very different from the Taliban of the past; they even have a spokesperson, who has already declared that it will not be a government of political persecution. Even the rights to education and work will be guaranteed to women, who will no longer be forced to wear the burqa.

The US will want chaos to stay in the region, as it is not in the empire’s interest for the region to join the Belt and Route Initiative. They will continue to create and support destabilization cells as a hybrid war tactic, and it seems they already have a partner to do this, India, which supports the NA (Northern Alliance) to create a civil war in Afghanistan.

This is not the first time India has supported NA. When the Soviets left Afghanistan after ten years of occupation, India supported the NA to take control of the country, while the vast majority of the population chose to support the Taliban against the NA allowing it to take over the country’s government from 1996 until the American invasion in 2001. It seems that India is determined to be a conflicting influence in the region, and that, in support of the US; it will create difficulties for the consolidation of the Belt and Road Initiative in this strategic region for the Eurasian project.

The Taliban, which has already eradicated opium during its period in power, will have to eradicate it again, as the Americans encouraged the production of this drug so that the CIA could finance its terrorist cells to spread chaos in the region.

When will the UN declare that the Taliban is a political organization and that the CIA is a terrorist organization?

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