The Planetary Analyst

A comprehensive analysis of our times.

The World War III Backlog

The project for the third world war continuously advances


Just as it was done in the Second World War, the neoliberal mafia is already putting into practice its project for yet another world war. The neoliberal mafia is at a dead end. It destroyed the western world economy, shrunken the industry, indebted all sectors of the economy while annihilating the ability to generate income to pay off its debts.

Neoliberals know that sooner or later the people of the West will understand that many of their countries were destroyed by the very elite that should govern and preserve these countries. That is why they are committed to the utmost in blaming the countries that did not allow themselves to be dominated by the corrupt and nefarious neoliberal imperialism of the West. Neoliberals know that society will demand that they pay for their crimes.

Russia, China and Iran have rejected the dominance and economic subservience that neoliberal imperialists impose on vassal and colonized countries. That is why the decadent empire and the Western countries demonize them.

As in the Second World War, the objective was to implant Nazi-fascism to eliminate the communists who were spreading across the world their new social and political doctrine. The war between Western neoliberalism and Eurasian socialism began shortly after the Russian Revolution. Western neoliberals were surprised by the Russians who would create a political and social system that opposed neoliberalism, preventing the nefarious neoliberal elite from proceeding with its project of world domination.

When the Soviet Union was dismantled, Russia found itself as a sovereign nation and today is the world’s great military power, without pretending to be the center of the world as in the days of the USSR. In addition to being a military power, Russia is the country that protects the world from imperialist destruction. After Russia avoided the capturing of Syria by NATO plunderers, neoliberals are more cautious as they know that there is a Power guaranteeing peace and order in the world. They know that a new war against Russia requires resources that they do not yet have and requires a catastrophic geopolitical preparation that aims to spread chaos, misery and fascism around the world to get the supplies and allies for this Great War. In addition, to make matters worse for the neoliberal imperialist mafia, Russia and China are advancing the evolution of their armaments at a much faster rate than the US and its allies.

The de facto largest economy on the planet, China, ruled by a single communist party, ironically saved essential capitalism. Capitalism thrives in China; it brings prosperity and expands that country’s middle class. While in the West, capitalism has been replaced by anti-capitalism. Money is fake, work has no value and capital is just fake money concentrated in the hands of the nefarious neoliberal elite so that it continues to expand the process of miserification of its people in order to prepare the mass of desperate people for the great global conflict.

There is no doubt that today’s neoliberals are doing the same thing that their ancestors did in the last century, they are preparing the great war against those who opposed the project of global domination. They used Germany to try to destroy Russia. However, which “Germany” are they going to try to use this time? Which people will allow themselves to be taken over by Nazi-fascism to be the front line of this global conflict? – Everything indicates that it is the people of the American territory. I say territory, because it seems to me that the US has long ceased to be a country. The neoliberal mafia, which many call the Deep-State, annihilated that country that once existed in the US land. The social fabric was torn apart and divided in ways that almost induced civil war. Half the population hates the other half. The ground is already fertile for the emergence of Nazi-fascist authoritarianism that will assume the front line of the Great War.

The strategists of the imperialist neoliberal mafia tried to make China a vassal country by imagining a major strategic step to encircle Russia, they imagined that China, when inserted into the global trading system, would be a kind of Japan 2.0 that would accept neoliberalism and support the neoliberal project of combating and destroying Russia. Did not work. China has become Russia’s greatest ally and has already become the great economic center of the planet by implementing its Belt and Road Initiative project.

We know that neoliberals implanted Nazi-fascism in Europe with the aim of eliminating communists from Russia and preventing this doctrine from spreading throughout Europe after the Russian Revolution. However, today’s Russia is no longer communist. So, what is the reason for neoliberals to reach the point of Russophobic schizophrenia to re-implant Nazi-fascism in Europe? They promoted a coup in Ukraine and implanted a Nazi-fascist regime in that country, for what purpose? – They need to get Russia out of the way to continue spreading chaos and thus achieve world domination. Nevertheless, Russia has already shown that it will not give in; it will act as an element to contain the destructive advance of the empire of chaos. The Russians acted like this in Syria and prevented that country from being destroyed and dominated by the empire of chaos.

The Ukrainian game that the empire has been playing is aimed at using Ukraine to justify sanctions against Russia and the expansion of NATO. Neo-liberals know that if they take up arms in Ukraine, the Russians will make that country disappear in a week. That is why they want to force an armed conflict with the Russians in Ukraine. Just to make the NATO vassals look at Russia as a threat in order to make them economically disconnect from Russia. Because Europe would become more competitive and independent of the US if they are more integrated to Russia. This game in Ukraine, together with the environmental fundamentalism imposed on the countries of that continent, aims to prevent Europe from solving its energy issue and achieving economic stability that frees it from the clutches of the American empire.

The goal of imperialist neoliberals is to control and restrict the energy that flows to Europe with the objective of eliminating the competitive advantages of the countries of Europe, so that they continue to be completely vassals, as the imperialists consider the countries of these continent strategic allies to face their enemies and rule the world. The industrial competitiveness of Europe is one of the biggest threats to the hegemony of the American empire, which will do everything to ensure that all the gas that surrounds Europe, in Russia, in the Caucasus and in the Persian Gulf does not reach the European continent easily. A Europe that is energetically assured, peaceful and with its economic issues resolved, does not interest the empire that needs an insecure Europe, with the energy issue unstable and enemy of the Russians and other countries that may be its energy partners. Just see how Germany is destroying its industrial competitiveness by accepting the suicidal energy policy imposed by its left-wing parties, completely controlled by the CIA.

There is no doubt that fascism is being implanted and strengthened every day in the empire and in the western world. Neoliberals used Fascism in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s to create chaos, the external enemy, to divide societies and to ascend authoritarianism. However, the big question that many now ask is – From which social-political group will emerge the fascism that will control the American empire in its last convulsive and self-destructive attack? Diversionary woke liberals or evangelical conservatives? When war authoritarianism rises, it does not matter which socio-political group will be in power, because both are under the control of the deep state.

The following Backlog aims to show what the empire does and has already done to advance its war project against the part of the world that is still sovereign and free from its clutches. We will be able to follow the progress of the preparation process for the Great War that neoliberals insist on doing in the same way they did in the last century.

This Backlog is not complete; therefore, other items may be added in the updates that will be made over time.


The WW3 Backlog


Short description
Creation of the external enemy:

There is incessant propaganda against the external enemy. Fear is implanted in the population to prevent it from realizing that the neoliberal elite is solely responsible for the destruction of the western economy. The great fear of the neoliberal elite has is that the Western population will realize that they are solely responsible for the destruction of Western economies and societies. By implanting this fear in the population, they also create a division in society, preparing for the installation of the authoritarian regime. In the US, Donald Trump was constantly associated with the Russians. All the neoliberal media accused him of being in the service of Russian interests. This further contributed to dividing American society.

Now that Donald Trump no longer governs the US. They campaign against Russia, saying that it is a threat to Ukraine and that it can invade that country at any time. The list of US external enemies is long, but Russia has always been the preferred enemy of the imperialist neoliberal mafia, because Russia will never let this corrupt elite dominate the world as it always wanted.
Social disintegration:

Every tactic that leads to the degradation of politics, democracy and society is put into practice. Class struggle, ethnic and cultural conflicts are strongly encouraged and the rupture of the social fabric makes the population disbelieve in politics and democracy. It is part of the process of the rise of fascist authoritarianism. This dismantling of the social fabric aims to lead to a situation in which authoritarianism is accepted as the solution to chaos up to the point it prevails in society. Authoritarianism is fundamental to making society accept the sacrifice of war. The authoritarian government imposes its doctrine of war, and those who do not accept it are eliminated or become a slave.

It worked in Germany during the degradation of the Weimar Republic and again neoliberals use this social breakdown to implant authoritarianism.
Migratory waves to generate social instability and consolidate fascism:

Migratory waves used as an instrument of economic and social destabilization, with the aim of strengthening fascism within society. These migratory waves are being used in both Europe and the US. The objective is to make a part of the population feel strongly the loss of its identity and social status in order to stimulate an angry right with an identity nationalism, disgusted with the gender and race diversionism preached by the Wokes. This conflict is intrinsic to Western societies today. Neoliberals created countless waves of migration in Europe with the same objective: to make the angry right rise to power.

The conflict between Liberals and Neocons on the political spectrum creates a situation in which society can transcend from political discussion to a civil war where the main consequence is a fascist or nazi-fascist dictatorship.

Hunger threatens the richest country in the world. The US has the resources and means to tackle this problem. However, this problem is part of the population's miserification project. Without miserification, they will not be able to form their army of "White Walkers" to attack their enemies. Since this large part of the population is destitute and hopeless, it becomes easier to turn them into meth-enraged war zombies. The Woke doctrine is also used as an instrument of miserification. Everyone but billionaires will be leveled down. It is the end of the “American dream”.


There are more homeless people in the US today than there were at the time of the great recession of 1929.
Centralization of command and suppression of Congress:

Hitler needed a fire in the parliament to become dictator. On January 6, 2021 Trump gave the deep state the “Reichtag Fire” they wanted to install their dictator in the White House. In the first two days of his administration, Joe Biden signed 27 executive orders. In the first eleven months of his government, he had already signed 75 executive orders. The puppet that the deep state keeps in the oval office already acts as a dictator. Congress is already merely decorative. The entire political class is already under the control of the deep state.

Given the control currently applied by the deep state over the entire political class, it is very unlikely that the political class will free itself from this control and rescue a full democratic regime.
Schutzstaffel, deployment of central government police:

With the invasion of the Capitol, which was equivalent to the “Reichtag Fire”, it became easy to implement the war on domestic terrorism, which is actually the power that the deep state has to eliminate any citizen who thinks different from its line of thought, which its head of state, its politicians and the neoliberal media make it very explicit. When the new government of Joe Biden was inaugurated, 26 thousand soldiers of the National Guard were mobilized. The deep state showed the world its SS – Schutzstaffel. The intention now is to make this police the only police force to consolidate authoritarian terror over the population.

The “defund the police” movement is part of this process that aims to bring chaos, violence and insecurity to communities so that this national police is the only police accepted by society.
Sturmabteilung, rowdy and violent militias to implant chaos and foment authoritarianism:

Creation of militias with the unemployed and criminals to help elevate the authoritarian leader to power. In Germany it was the SA – Sturmabteilung of Ernst Rohm. In 1933 it had 3 million members. These militias were useful in raising the Nazis to power, but later Hitler eliminated the SA and had Ernst Rohm killed, as the SS was enough for him. Deep state neoliberals have already created the Woke Hypernazism militias in the US. Moreover, these militias wreaked havoc and destruction in several American cities before and during the 2020 election race.

As deep state militias destroyed, burned and looted cities in 2020, neoliberal media said these militia vandals were making “peaceful protests”.
Military alliances with vassals:

Ensure strategic vassals, prevent strategic countries from being neutral or allied to the Eurasian Russia-China-Iran bloc. Alliances have already been formed, NATO and QUAD. The empire has already grouped together strategic vassals from Europe and the Indo-Pacific, India, Australia and Japan.
NATO, which has been expanding in eastern Europe with the aim of encircling Russia, has already received an ultimatum from the Russians. They will not peacefully accept this expansion of NATO close to their borders.

The QUAD alliance aims to encircle China in the Indo-Pacific. The main allies have already been co-opted, but other allies will be able to join the existing ones.
War investment:

As in Germany in the 20s and 30s, there was no lack of resources for companies that developed equipment and technologies for war, while most of society lived in difficulties and with few resources. Today we have the same situation, where companies that produce technologies for wars, both hybrid and conventional, waste capital amidst the impoverishment and misery of the population.

Financing and transferring the costs of war:

As the neoliberal empire still holds the currency of global trade, it is financing its war expansion and its hybrid wars by printing a lot of money. The world is getting poorer in order to pay for the war the empire is preparing. The backlog of the third world war is costing a lot, not only for the US population, but also for the rest of the world. In order to produce its war, the empire today exports inflation and misery to the entire world.

Moral and cultural conflict:

As in Weimar Germany, when the modernism that took over Berlin, which imported all the avant-gardism of that time from various parts of the world, created a reaction of revolt in the conservative part of the German society. This conflict of cultural and moral values was used by the Nazis to win the support of the conservatives for the conquest of power. Today, the moral and cultural conflict that grows in American society is no different, where Woke progressivism revolts conservatives who, victimized by the socio-economic degradation promoted by neoliberals, who now impose their Woke LGBT ideology as the great step towards progress and modernity of the American society.

Strategic material supply chains:

The pandemic showed the empire's vulnerability when supply chains were disrupted. Many wartime strategic items will need to be produced locally to eliminate the vulnerabilities revealed. This takes time, but it is crucial.

Volksgerichtshof, the justice system as an authoritarian instrument:

The case of Julian Assange's persecution and extradition shows that the deep state already carried out the judicial authoritarianism. Forged judgments, without legal foundations and without evidence. Hitler used and abused these exceptional courts. The Volksgerichtshof – "People's Court" was often used by the Nazis to eliminate opponents and terrorize part of the population. Judicial-media terrorism that is used to eliminate opponents was used massively in Brazil before and after the 2016 presidential elections with the aim of defeating the Workers' Party in the elections. When they failed to defeat them, they increased the intensity of the judicial-media persecution to create a climate of terror so massive that the Congress voted for the impeachment of the democratically elected President, Dilma Rousseff.

It will be used more and more to ward off and persecute opponents of the empire, especially now that they have made the population accept the doctrine of domestic terrorism.
Revival of Nazi Fascism:

The resurgence of Nazism and Fascism, especially around Russia in Europe, is part of the neoliberal strategy of mobilizing societies against the Russian people. Nazism, which in Ukraine is becoming state policy, has the sole objective of making the Ukrainian people see Russia as a great enemy. As in the 20s and 30s of the last century, Nazi-fascism was the antidote to Russian communism, which, at that time, threatened to penetrate Europe. However, now is being used by neoliberals to create an anti-Russian movement.

Neoliberals will do their best to ensure that anti-Russian Nazi-fascism grows as much as possible in Eastern Europe so that in this region there are no obstacles to the war they want to wage against Russia.
Hybrid Wars:

The neoliberal Empire is already at war with a good part of humanity. Hybrid wars are waged against different countries to overthrow democratic and sovereign regimes. Unfortunately, these wars are very effective against countries less prepared to face this type of war that uses internal enemies and infiltrators to overthrow democratic governments and install corrupt, authoritarian governments that are completely vassals to the neoliberal empire. Numerous coups d'état are promoted by the empire's think thanks. Brazil since 2016 has vassal and corrupt governments all installed with the forces of US hybrid wars.
Ukraine since 2014 is being ruled by Nazis and corrupt alike vassals and loyal to the empire.

Hybrid wars are not a recent invention. The Nazis used this type of warfare to dominate Austria. Hybrid warfare was well undertaken by the Nazis who disseminated Hitler's ideas among the population of Austria and eliminated opposition. When Hitler entered this country with his armies, he did not need to fire a shot. It was not an invasion, it was a military parade welcomed by the people who were already dominated.
Destabilizing Eurasian Integration:

The empire is incapable of destabilizing Russia or China with its hybrid wars and color revolutions. That is why it will do its best to destabilize Central Asia with the aim of sabotaging China's Road and Belt Initiative.
The evacuation of Afghanistan was a change in strategy. Instead of occupying and forcing the government of that country to serve its interests, the empire preferred to remove its military forces to leave in place its hybrid war cells that will support all terrorist organizations to destabilize the countries of this strategic region for Eurasian integration.

The color revolution wreaking havoc and destruction in Kazakhstan at the beginning of 2022 is proof that these hybrid warfare cells are operating with strong intensity in the region.
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