The Planetary Analyst

A comprehensive analysis of our times.

Who Wants the Death of Neoliberalism?

They already know that Neoliberalism cannot be sustained


If the reader of this modest analysis knows what Neoliberalism is, he will understand perfectly why Neoliberalism already has its death sentence and will wonder what the creators of the Neoliberalism will create to put it in its place.

Yes, those who planned for the death of Neoliberalism were its own creators, who were also the beneficiaries of this system of exploitation of the human beings of an economic nature, known as “workers”. So is Neoliberalism an economic system? – The reader must be wondering. – No, it is not. It is actually an anti-economic system. I will explain well throughout my analyses what the anti-economics of Neoliberalism is.

But why is Neoliberalism not yet buried and declared dead?

Why does Neoliberalism still govern in several countries, such as Brazil, which replaced the labor and progressive government of Lula and Dilma with the neoliberal misgovernments of Temer and Bolsonaro? – First, I say that Neoliberalism does not govern, because it was not made to govern, it was made to oppress, eliminate governments and remove anyone from power who wants to do State Policy. Neoliberalism is anti-state, anti-sovereignty, anti-democracy, anti-press freedom and anti-civilization. Neoliberalism is the appropriation of the State by a small financial elite whose main objective is to keep the People poor, oppressed and exploited for the benefit of this nefarious small elite. Needless to say, the countries of Neoliberal mismanagement were the countries that killed and still kill the most people in this Covid-19 pandemic.

When, how, and why did neoliberals start killing Neoliberalism?

They stated the death sentence of Neoliberalism when they decided to destroy Hong Kong, the Mecca of Neoliberalism, the city most idolized and exalted by neoliberals. Hong Kong has always been a sacred city for the enthusiastic neoliberals, it was a symbol of the oppression of British neoliberal imperialism after belonging to the British for more than 150 years. Even after the handover to China in 1997, it maintained the neoliberal system of free movement of capital and remained one of the largest financial centers on the planet, and also maintained some administrative autonomy in relation to the Central Government of China. Hong Kong has always been in first place in the “economic freedom” rankings that were praised and revered by neoliberals, it was always cited as a model of capitalism to be followed by the whole world.

Why did neoliberals decided to destroy Hong Kong, their most sacred city?

Simply because Hong Kong was ceasing to be neoliberal, it was disconnecting from the fraudulent, anti-economic and corrupt system of Neoliberalism to connect with China’s economic and virtuous system. In 2017 China announced the creation of the Petroyuan, it would no longer buy oil with US dollars, which would be replaced by Petroyuan backed by the huge gold reserve that China had accumulated in recent years. Hong Kong would be one of China’s financial centers that would trade Petroyuan-based bonds. And this, for the American empire, completely sustained by the great fraud of the US dollar, which is the global currency of Neoliberalism, would be a deadly betrayal. The neoliberal empire is sustained by the imposition of its counterfeit currency – the US dollar, a currency with no ballast of value that neoliberals print trillions every year and compel the world to accept this counterfeit money as a currency of global transactions in the international trade system. It was just for the creation of the Petroyuan that China was immediately considered “enemy of the free world” by the corrupt and farcical neoliberal imperialists.

In March 2018, the international oil trade officially recognized Petroyuan, which could already be converted into gold on the Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. Then, in 2019, came the destruction of Hong Kong. Just as they did in Brazil in 2013, but in Hong Kong, the fury of the colorful revolution promoted by neoliberal agents was much greater.

Despite the great fury that caused the destruction of the financial center status and brought chaos into Hong Kong, this coup by the neoliberal imperialists did not give the expected result. China has a strong and determined government, it has the competence and organization to resist this type of imperialist attack and prevent these criminals from threatening its stable government and its social peace. Hong Kong, unfortunately, saw its global financial center status destroyed and went under a flight of capital, which sought more peaceful places, such as Singapore.

In Hong Kong the empire used the same tactics applied in 2013 that led to the 2016 anti-democratic coup in Brazil, used its judicial power to threaten the owners of local press groups that had committed crimes of corruption and evasion, so that they would be impelled to oppose the government of China. It also promoted violent demonstrations that were financed with many dollars. It was not cheap to group an urban war army like the one that destroyed several public places in Hong Kong and even attacked the Police headquarters. With the battle of Hong Kong lost, the empire starts to provoke China by instigating Taiwan to rebel against China, which treats this island as one of its provinces, and this is recognized by most countries in the world.

The empire failed in Hong Kong, which still belongs to China and China’s sovereignty is not threatened, and has not even been scratched. But in Brazil, the empire’s strategy paid off. The country was dominated by the empire, its institutions were torn apart and it no longer has sovereignty, it is practically a territory occupied by the power of the empire. In the next analyzes I will talk in more detail about the anti-democratic coup that allowed Brazil to fall into the grip of the empire. But in this first analysis we will stick to the end of Neoliberalism.

Some scholars claim that the neoliberal model emerged in the 1930s, after the 1929 Crisis, as a response to the most acute problems of Capitalism. We will see that this is not true. Neoliberalism is older than they say, it was not created to solve problems, on the contrary, it brings more problems than solutions. It was created to be a perverse system of world domination by a small financial elite, which would control political and economic power across the planet, the same elite that caused two world wars and today destroys democracies and nations that are trying to be developed and sovereign. Only countries like Russia, Iran, Venezuela and China, which do not bow to the empire and do not allow themselves to be dominated by neoliberals, are able to secure their sovereignty and protect their interests from attacks by Neoliberalism.

But we are living in a period when the American empire is falling apart. empires usually destroy themselves from the inside out, and the collapse of the American empire is happening very fast. All the wars that we saw recently, in Libya, Syria and the Middle East; all the coups d’état and colorful revolutions that the empire has spread throughout the world, such as the fall of progressive and sovereign Brazil of the governments of the Workers’ Party, which suffered a judicial-media-parliamentary coup, which already imposed on Brazil two self-destructive neoliberal governments, the Pentecostal fascism that plagues Latin America, all these are the wreckages of the American empire’s three pillars, which spread throughout the world as the empire collapses. The three pillars that support the empire are: Farce, Corruption and Oppression.

The Farce Pillar: – Without the farce, the imperialist elite does not hold on to power, does not keep its people dominated and passive in the face of the corruption of its ruling classes, it is with the farce that the dominant elites make the people think they live in a democracy, it is through farce that neoliberals incite wars against countries that become sovereign and democratic. The neoliberal elite controls the entire corporate media to impose its false narrative, and it already controls the largest digital platforms. Digital platforms today are one of the main instruments of distraction and maintenance of the neoliberal farce, which the imperialists use to implement their colorful revolutions and impose government regimes that are submissive to their neoliberal interests.

The Corruption Pillar: – Without the corruption of the neoliberal system, it does not keep the people impoverished, without work, without a prospect of life, and prone to enlist in the military-mercenary forces that the empire uses to plunder, oppress and destroy democratic countries. The great mechanism of neoliberal corruption consists of the appropriation of the state by a small group of banks that controls all the money used in the economy. Since this group of banks started to control the Federal Reserve in the USA, the neoliberal imperialists started to control the issuance of the “global currency”, acquiring a power far beyond their own borders, being able to economically weaken all the other nations of the planet. This pillar is crumbling because Russia and China are already replacing the Dollar standard with the gold standard in their financial systems and in their international relations, and this begins to awaken in the world an awareness of liberation from the economic control of the empire.

The Oppression Pillar: – Without oppression, the empire does not impose its dominance over the peoples who try to rise up through democracy and the exercise of their sovereignty. Neoliberals have always needed an armed empire to impose its dominance over the peoples of the world. And it is with military might that the empire annihilates those who insist on being free, sovereign, democratic and reject the use of their counterfeit and fraudulent currency. That’s what happened to Gaddafi when this North African leader wanted to adopt his own gold-backed currency for use in Libya and Africa’s international trade. But Russia and China are two military powers that are not intimidated by the empire. So, they can adopt the gold standard and can trade internationally using their own currencies.

Without the empire, Neoliberalism cannot be sustained, and without Neoliberalism, the empire cannot survive either. The moment in history that we are living in is unique and unprecedented, as we are experiencing the fall of the American empire, which replaced the British empire by concession and association with the neoliberal institutions that supported the British empire during its rule.

Without knowing how to deal with the rise of China as the new economic power of the planet, at the beginning of the 21st century, the American empire is out of control. The empire is in “full gangster mode”, and has already given up any democratic, diplomatic, economic, legal, social and civilizing principle. In an attempt to counteract the imminent supremacy of China, the empire turns into a mix of zombie and psychopathic gangster that amid its own self-destruction attacks all countries in the world in an attempt to spread the degeneration of its neoliberal disease throughout the planet. So that a part of humanity cannot rise as an economic civilization according to the virtuous principles of a constructive, productive economy with human rights and social justice. The empire wages hybrid wars against several countries and in many of them it manages to dominate and destroy the sovereignty of these countries, as is the case of Brazil. But with Russia and China, it cannot penetrate these countries using its hybrid war tactics, so it is already starting the Cold War against them, militarily surrounding these two powers in an attempt to intimidate them.

The fact is that humanity is in a crucial period, and that it will have to mobilize itself to correct the course of history, in order to avoid the great war and the great destruction that the neoliberals are planning. Through the analyses that we will share we will see how the neoliberal empire expands anti-economy, anti-democracy, anti-press freedom and anti-civilization to the maximum, in an attempt to sustain imperial power to preserve, at all costs, the power of this small corrupt, farcical and oppressive elite, which for a long period of human history, has waged wars, destroyed nations, spread chaos and misery across the four corners of the world.

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