This blog has a mission to make people aware of the great threats facing the western world. The corrupt and nefarious elites of the western world are dividing and crumbling societies in order to eliminate Democracy and make authoritarianism prevail with the sole purpose of preserving power to lead the world into wars as they always did.
Planetary Analysis… what is this?
Well, it is nothing complicated. It is just a simple way to look at and understand events in our world. However, with one difference, we must look at the world by reducing space-time. Because this way we can see where events can take us.
The Germans in the early 1920s and 1930s could not see that they were being taken on a self-destructive journey of continental proportions. With a society torn apart and divided by neoliberal Nazi-fascism, they could not see how far they would go when they were manipulated and used by neoliberals for the sole purpose of fighting Communism in Russia.
When we reduce this space-time to look at today, we have the understanding that we are living in dangerous times that can lead to even greater disasters than the neoliberal-nazi-fascist tragedy that befell to humanity in the last century.
However, these are times of profound transformations in our societies. Money is now digital, and Gold is now digital too. In this fast changing world, humanity will face threats and opportunities. Technologies can be used to increase authoritarianism and the control over society by the neoliberal elite, or they can be used to improve democracies and provide better social welfare.
To avoid a repetition of these tragedies of the past, we must wake the Woke up.
Rodrigo Rodriguez